Documenter alors cette installation.
Regarder aussi au blog de Bill Clementson, et au Lisp on Lines de 'drewc', similaire à 'Ruby on Rails'.
Marco a donné sur c.l.lisp des infos d'install d'UCW, dans l'article <m2mznzdn8v.fsf@soma.local> :
- 1) grab ucw, arnesi and yaclml from darcs:
$ darcs get
$ darcs get
$ darcs get - 2) grab puri, iterate and rfc2388 for the respective web sites.
- 3) create a directory with symlinks to the .asd files for all these libs.
- 4) add said directory to you asdf:*central-regstry* (put something along the lines of (push "/path/to/dir/systems/" asdf:*central-regstry*) to your .sbclrc or similar)
- 5) edit ucw/bin/start.lisp and make sure that your using the httpd backend (the (use-httpd-backend) form should be uncommented, all the others commented or just deleted).
- 6) from a terminal load up ucw/bin/start.lisp (do this from a "fresh" lisp image (iow don't load up any packages or onything before loading the start.lisp file)).
- 7) point your browesr to
since you're using the httpd backend you wont get the stylesheets or the javascirpt stuff (i haven't yet taught it to server static content) but it should be enough to get you started. - 8) open up emacs+slime, type M-x slime-connect RET RET RET.
Tags: UCW Lisp LispOnLines
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